import logging from datetime import datetime from database import Block, db from helpers import hash_block logger = logging.getLogger('root.blockchain') class Blockchain: def __init__(self): self.current_transactions = [] self.difficulty = 4 # Create the genesis block if it doesn't exist if not self.last_block: block = self.build_block() block['hash'] = hash_block(block) self.save_block(block)"✨ Created genesis block")"Blockchain Initiated") @staticmethod def get_blocks(height=0): """ Returns all blocks from a given height :param height: The height from which to return blocks :return: """ blocks = db.query(Block).filter(Block.height >= height).all() return [block.to_dict() for block in blocks] def valid_chain(self, chain): """ Determines if a given blockchain is valid :param chain: A blockchain :return: True if valid, False if not """ last_block = chain[0] current_index = 1 while current_index < len(chain): block = chain[current_index] # Check that the hash_block of the block is correct if block['previous_hash'] != self.hash_block(last_block): return False # Check that the Proof of Work is correct if not self.valid_proof(last_block['proof'], block['proof']): return False last_block = block current_index += 1 return True def build_block(self): """ Create a new Block in the Blockchain """ last_block = self.last_block return { 'height': last_block.height + 1 if last_block else 0, 'timestamp': datetime.utcnow(), 'transactions': self.current_transactions, 'previous_hash': last_block.hash if last_block else 0, 'proof': -1, } def save_block(self, block_dict): """ Saves Block to the database and resets outstanding transactions :param block_dict: A dictionary representation of a Block :return: """ print(block_dict) block = Block(**block_dict) db.add(block) db.commit() # Reset the current list of transactions self.current_transactions = [] def new_transaction(self, sender, recipient, amount): """ Creates a new transaction to go into the next mined Block :param sender: Address of the Sender :param recipient: Address of the Recipient :param amount: Amount :return: The index of the Block that will hold this transaction """ self.current_transactions.append({ 'sender': sender, 'recipient': recipient, 'amount': amount, }) return self.last_block['index'] + 1 @property def last_block(self): """ Returns the last block in the Blockchain (greatest height) :return: """ return db.query(Block).order_by(Block.height.desc()).first()