import asyncio import logging from uuid import uuid4 import aiohttp from blockchain import Blockchain from database import db from helpers import get_config, get_random_peers, set_config from networking import PortMapper log = logging.getLogger('root.tasks') def initiate_node(app): # Set up TCP Redirect (Port Forwarding) # port_mapper = PortMapper() # port_mapper.add_portmapping(8080, 8080, 'TCP', 'Electron') # Set the identifier (unique Id) for our node (if it doesn't exist) node_identifier = set_config(key='node_identifier', value=uuid4().hex) # app.request_headers = { # 'content-type': 'application/json', # 'x-node-identifier': node_identifier, # 'x-node-ip': port_mapper.external_ip, # 'x-node-port': port_mapper.external_port, # }'Node Identifier: %s', node_identifier) # Add the Blockchain helper class to the app app.blockchain = Blockchain() async def peer_discovery(app): """ Ask random peers to return peers they know about """ while True: peers = get_random_peers() for peer in peers: try: response = await aiohttp.request('GET', 'peer.hostname', headers=app.request_headers) print(f'Made request: {response.status}') except asyncio.TimeoutError: db.delete(peer) db.commit() print(f'{peer.hostname}: Deleted node') await asyncio.sleep(10) async def watch_blockchain(app): while True: print(f'TXN: {app.blockchain.current_transactions}') await asyncio.sleep(2) def we_should_still_be_mining(): return True