
233 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This script listens for i3 events and updates workspace names to show icons
# for running programs. It contains icons for a few programs, but more can
# easily be added by inserting them into WINDOW_ICONS below.
# Dependencies: xorg-xprop i3ipc fontawesome
# Installation:
# Add "exec_always ~/.config/i3/ &" to the i3 config
# Configuration:
# The default i3 config's keybingings reference workspaces by name, which is an
# issue when using this script because the "names" are constantaly changing to
# show window icons. Instead, you'll need to change the keybindings to
# reference workspaces by number. Change lines like:
# bindsym $mod+1 workspace 1
# To:
# bindsym $mod+1 workspace number 1
import re
import signal
import subprocess as proc
from types import FrameType
from typing import Any, Callable
import nerdfonts as nf
from i3ipc import Connection
# Add icons here for common programs you use. The keys are the X window class
# (WM_CLASS) names (lower-cased) and the icons can be any text you want to
# display.
# These icons are from the Nerd Font patch set.
# You can find a list of all here:
# If you're not sure what the WM_CLASS is for your application, you can use
# xprop ( Run `xprop | grep WM_CLASS`
# then click on the application you want to inspect.
WINDOW_ICONS: dict[str, str] = {
'alacritty': nf.icons['fa_terminal'],
'blender': nf.icons['fa_cube'],
'blueman-manager': nf.icons['fa_bluetooth'],
'calibre-gui': nf.icons['fa_book'],
'chromium': nf.icons['fa_chrome'],
'cities.x64': nf.icons['md_city'],
'clonehero': nf.icons['md_guitar_electric'],
'code-oss': nf.icons['fa_code'],
'vscodium': nf.icons['fa_code'],
'cutter': nf.icons['fa_bug'],
'darktable': nf.icons['md_camera'],
'discord': nf.icons['fa_comment'],
'dwarf_fortress': nf.icons['fa_fort_awesome'],
'easyeffects': nf.icons['fa_music'],
'evince': nf.icons['fa_file_pdf_o'],
'factorio': nf.icons['fa_cog'],
'feh': nf.icons['md_image'],
'firefox': nf.icons['fa_firefox'],
'firefoxdeveloperedition': nf.icons['fa_firefox'],
'ghb': nf.icons['md_video'],
'gimp': nf.icons['fa_paint_brush'],
'gimp-2.10': nf.icons['fa_paint_brush'],
'gparted': nf.icons['fa_hdd_o'],
'gsmartcontrol': nf.icons['fa_hdd_o'],
'hoppscotch-app': nf.icons['md_ufo'],
'inkscape': nf.icons['md_fountain_pen_tip'],
'jetbrains-idea-ce': nf.icons['fa_code'],
'jetbrains-studio': nf.icons['fa_code'],
'kcharselect': nf.icons['fa_font'],
'kicad': nf.icons['fa_microchip'],
'ksp.x86_64': nf.icons['fa_space_shuttle'],
'ledger live': nf.icons['md_wallet'],
'libreoffice-calc': nf.icons['fa_file_excel_o'],
'libreoffice-impress': nf.icons['fa_file_powerpoint_o'],
'libreoffice-writer': nf.icons['fa_file_word_o'],
'lutris': nf.icons['fa_gamepad'],
'mpv': nf.icons['md_video'],
'polymc': nf.icons['md_minecraft'],
'minecraft': nf.icons['md_minecraft'],
'mupdf': nf.icons['fa_file_pdf_o'],
'nemiver': nf.icons['fa_bug'],
'nm-connection-editor': nf.icons['fa_wifi'],
'obs': nf.icons['md_video'],
'openlens': nf.icons['md_kubernetes'],
'org.gnome.nautilus': nf.icons['fa_folder'],
'pavucontrol': nf.icons['fa_volume_up'],
'picard': nf.icons['fa_music'],
'qbittorrent': nf.icons['fa_download'],
'qtcreator': nf.icons['fa_code'],
'seahorse': nf.icons['fa_lock'],
'simplescreenrecorder': nf.icons['md_video'],
'slack': nf.icons['fa_slack'],
'spotify': nf.icons['fa_spotify'],
'sqlitebrowser': nf.icons['fa_database'],
'steam': nf.icons['md_steam'],
'steam_app_671860': nf.icons['md_pistol'], # battlebit
'surviving mars': nf.icons['fa_rocket'],
'telegram-desktop': nf.icons['fa_telegram'],
'terraria.bin.x86_64': nf.icons['fa_tree'],
'thunderbird': nf.icons['fa_envelope'],
'vim': nf.icons['fa_code'],
'virtualbox manager': nf.icons['fa_desktop'],
'vlc': nf.icons['md_video'],
'wireshark': nf.icons['md_shark_fin'],
'zathura': nf.icons['fa_file_pdf_o'],
'zenity': nf.icons['fa_window_maximize'],
# This icon is used for any application not in the list above
# Used so that we can keep the workspace's name when we add icons to it.
# Returns a dictionary with the 'num' and 'icons' keys
# Any field that's missing in @name will be None in the returned dict
def parse_workspace_number(name: str) -> str | None:
match = re.match(
r'(?P<num>\d+):? ?(?P<icons>.+)?',
if match is None:
return None
return match.groupdict()['num']
# Given a dictionary with 'num', 'icons',
# return the formatted name by concatenating them together.
def construct_workspace_name(num: str, icons: list[str] | None) -> str:
new_name: str = str(num)
if icons:
new_name += ':'
for icon in icons:
new_name += ' ' + icon
return new_name
# Returns an array of the values for the given property from xprop. This
# requires xorg-xprop to be installed.
def xprop(win_id, property):
prop = proc.check_output(
['xprop', '-id', str(win_id), property],
prop = prop.decode('utf-8')
return re.findall('"([^"]+)"', prop)
except proc.CalledProcessError:
print(f'Unable to get property for window "{win_id}"')
return None
def icon_for_window(window) -> str:
classes: list[str] | None = xprop(window.window, 'WM_CLASS')
if classes is None or len(classes) == 0:
print(f'No class set for window: {xprop(window.window, "WM_NAME")}')
for cls in map(lambda x: x.lower(), classes):
if 'minecraft' in cls:
return WINDOW_ICONS["minecraft"]
if cls in WINDOW_ICONS:
return WINDOW_ICONS[cls]
print(f'No icon available for: {classes}')
# renames all workspaces based on the windows present
def rename_workspaces(i3) -> None:
for workspace in i3.get_tree().workspaces():
if workspace.num == -1:
num = parse_workspace_number(
icons = [
icon_for_window(w) for w in workspace.leaves()
if num is None:
new_name = str(workspace.num)
new_name = construct_workspace_name(num, icons)
i3.command(f'rename workspace "{}" to "{new_name}"')
# rename workspaces to just numbers
# called on exit to indicate that this script is no longer running.
def undo_window_renaming(i3) -> None:
for workspace in i3.get_tree().workspaces():
num = parse_workspace_number(
icons = None
if num is None:
new_name = str(workspace.num)
new_name = construct_workspace_name(num, icons)
i3.command(f'rename workspace "{}" to "{new_name}"')
def get_signal_handler(i3) -> Callable[[int, FrameType | None], Any]:
def signal_handler(*_) -> None:
return signal_handler
def main():
i3 = Connection()
# exit gracefully when ctrl+c is pressed
for sig in [signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM]:
signal.signal(sig, get_signal_handler(i3))
# call rename_workspaces() for relevant window events
def window_event_handler(i3, e) -> None:
if e.change in ['new', 'close', 'move']:
i3.on('window', window_event_handler)
if __name__ == '__main__':