Twik ==== Python version of Twik [![Build Status](]( ## Installation instructions: * Using PIP ```pip install twik``` * Using easy_install ```easy_install twik``` * Manual ``` git clone cd Twik python install ``` ## Usage instructions : ``` usage: twik [-h] [-c CHARS] [-p PROFILE] [-t {1,2,3}] tag positional arguments: tag generate password for a specified tag optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c [4-26], --chars [4-26] length of generated password [4-26]. Default: 12 -p PROFILE, --profile PROFILE profile to use. Default:'Profile' -t {1,2,3}, --passwordtype {1,2,3} 1 for ALPHANUMERIC_AND_SPECIAL_CHAR 2 for ALPHANUMERIC 3 for NUMERIC Default: 1 ``` Private Keys is stored in ~/.twik.conf you need change it to match with chrome extension and android app: ``` [Personal] private_key = TFCY2AJI-NBPU-V01E-F7CP-PJIZNRKPF25W chars = 8 password_type = 1 github_chars = 12 github_password_type = 1 [foobar] # for set foobar as default profile default = 1 private_key = VBHF4HAR-8M5Z-NK3B-KQWH-KG9ZYLER4916 chars = 22 password_type = 1 reddit_chars = 22 reddit_password_type = 2 ```