
49 lines
861 B

# Blockchain 101
Simple blockchain written in python
## Installation
1. Make sure [Python 3.6+]( is installed.
2. Install [poetry](
3. Install requirements
$ poetry install
4. Copy `.env.example` to `.env`
5. Start some nodes:
* `$ poetry run flask run -p 5000`
* `$ poetry run flask run -p 5001`
## Docker
Another option for running this blockchain program is to use Docker. Follow the instructions below to create a local Docker container:
1. Build the docker image
$ docker-compose build
2. Run the nodes
$ docker-compose up -d
4. To add more nodes, add a new service to the `docker-compose.yml` file
and adjust the port number.
build: .
- 5002:80
## Credits
[dvf]( for the original blockchain code